1. Download the ISO file from support website of the Airwave Server Version

2. For mounting the ISO to CD/DVD drive on the instance we moved the ISO to the data store of the VMWare.
3. Mount the ISO using following step
– Right click on instance →Edit Settings →Hardware →CD/DVD Drive 1
– Check Data store ISO File →Browse the file from Data store
– Check the Boxes under Device Status:
– Connected
– Connect at power on

-Again on Edit Settings →Options →Advance →Boot Options
– Check Force BIOS Setup

4. After setting above mentioned options, Reset the instance
– Right click on instance →Power →Reset
5. After the boot up ,it shows the BIOS menu. Select the boot option as CD/DVD drive & save the setting.
6. After it boot up, it will show the ARUBA Logo & boot prompt. Ran the following commands to get into the rescue mode

– # boot: linux rescue (After the this command Linux Box will go to rescue mode and will ask for following basic step).

7. Select the Shell — Start Shell option & run the following commands:
sh-4.1# chroot /mnt/sysimage/
sh-4.1# sudo bash
# root
# passwd ampadmin
Reference: https://kaidet555.medium.com/how-to-reset-password-aruba-airwave-78cb0d268b37
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