Steps to perform initial setup for Aruba IAP with CLI
Reset It To Factory Default
- Power ON the AP while holding the reset button (Highlighted in RED) using paper clip for 5 Seconds
- Copy the Serial No to login to Aruba IAP later

Reset Factory Default Using CLI
Erase the configuration file and reboot
# write erase all reboot
Initial Setup For Aruba IAP With CLI
You can connect to SetMeUp-XX:XX:XX (last 6 digits of MAC Address) and perform the initial setup using Web Browser or

Check the IP Address of Aruba IAP from existing DHCP, and login with
- Username = admin
It will prompt to change the default password
ssh admin@
Warning: Permanently added '' (RSA) to the list of known hosts.
admin@'s password:
X11 forwarding request failed on channel 0
Input new mgmt password:
Input new mgmt password again:
Change Hostname
7c:57:3c:ca:af:98# hostname AP315
Go to Configuration Mode
AP315# conf t
#Change Host Name
AP315 (config) # name IAP
#Set NTP Server
AP315 (config) # ntp-server
#Time Zone
AP315 (config) # clock time Kuala-Lumpur 08 00
#Country Code for VC
AP315 (config) # virtual-controller-country MY
#IP Address for VC
AP315 (config) # virtual-controller-ip
Commit for configuration changes to take effect
AP315 (config) # end
AP315 # commit apply
New SSID Profile & Role For WIFI Access
Create a New SSID Profile with WPE3
#WIFI Profile
AP315 (config) # wlan ssid-profile WIFI
AP315 (SSID Profile "WIFI") # enable
AP315 (SSID Profile "WIFI") # type employee
AP315 (SSID Profile "WIFI") # essid WIFI
AP315 (SSID Profile "WIFI") # wpa-passphrase a1b2c3d45e
AP315 (SSID Profile "WIFI") # vlan 1
AP315 (SSID Profile "WIFI") # opmode wpa3-sae-aes
AP315 (SSID Profile "WIFI") # end
#Access Rule / Role
AP315 (config) # wlan access-rule WIFI
AP315 (Access Rule "WIFI") # rule any any match any any any permit
AP315 (Access Rule "WIFI") # end
AP315# commit apply
Connect to the new SSID=WIFI from Windows 10 laptop, and verify the client is connected successfully in Aruba AP.
AP315# show clients
Client List
Name IP Address MAC Address OS ESSID Access Point Channel Type Role IPv6 Address Signal Speed (mbps)
---- ---------- ----------- -- ----- ------------ ------- ---- ---- ------------ ------ ------------
LAB-WIN10 dc:fb:48:65:9e:97 Windows ARUBA AP315 36E AC ARUBA fe80::21f5:f72f:bb0:d6ed 21(good) 13(poor)
Number of Clients :1
Info timestamp :1055
Reference Link
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